The characteristics consist of eating all the right foods that consists of a wide variety. Eating a healthy diet consists of a balanced meal with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, complex carbohydrates, fiber, low fat dairy products, lean meat, fish, poultry, vitamins, and mineral. Cooking in healthy oils such as olive oils would also be a healthy choice. Plenty of physical activity, rest and exercise is also important. The challenge associated with choosing the right foods, staying on track and eating healthy is discipline. Our fast-paced society is bombarded with food choices that are quick, fast, and therefore convenient for our busy lifestyles. It has truly become second nature to grab a quick snack on the go, or at the office. These convenient stops or food cravings are not always the right choice, nor are good healthy choices always provided. It takes discipline and commitment on our behalf to make the right choices throughout our lives.
Sizer, F. & Whitney, E. (2011). Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies (12th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning